Class Videos
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This page and my videos are provided for your personal use to practice at home. You are welcome to share the direct YouTube links to the MELT public videos I have linked below. If you have friends/family interested in MELT, I can be reached at
DISCLAIMER: Not all techniques are suitable for everyone. Participation in any treatment/exercise program may result in injury. By doing the MELT Method® exercises, you assume the risk of injury from performing the movements and techniques shown.
If you do these treatments while seated in class, continue to do them seated at a desk or table.
EMAIL LIST: Newsletters are sent out every other Wednesday and include educational content, current class schedule as well as a "mini" MELT class video.
The easiest way to register is to go directly to the MELT class registration page here Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on MELT.
- You will need to create a log in and verify your email address before registering.
- If you need help, walk into the Valencia Community Center (or any of the community centers).
If you want to browse the catalog first, every class is hyperlinked to the registration page. Just hover over the class or link you see in the Seasons brochure and you are automatically directed to the class information.
- To browse the catalog go to
- Choose Seasons Classes
- Click on the current Seasons catalog.
- Class times and schedules aren't included in the brochure. If you are viewing online, click on the class and be directed to the registration page to view class times and location.
MELT equipment (roller + balls) will be provided for in class use.
- Yoga mat
- water
- small rolled up towel for neck support (optional)
- ball kit (purchase in class)
- We will remove our shoes in class
The Beginner Bundle can be purchased here and includes everything you need to practice the techniques learned in class. Includes the soft foam roller, therapy ball kit (8 balls + bunion band), 30-days of MELT on Demand streaming classes and FREE shipping.
WINTER 2025 (Jan 14 - Mar 11)
- Tues 8:30am-9:30am - Valencia Community Center
- Tues 5:30pm-6:30pm - The Centre
- Cost $110 for 9 weeks
SPRING 2025 (April 1 - May 20)
- Tues /Thur 8:30am-9:30am - VCC Valencia Community Center
- Tues 5:30pm-6:30pm - The Centre
- Cost $100 for 8 weeks
- Registration opens March 3, 2025
SUMMER 2025 (June 17 - July 8)
- Tues 8:30am-9:30am - VCC Valencia Community Center
- Cost $50 for 4 weeks
- Registration opens May 21, 2025
- What is MELT?
- Fascia Documentary: The network of the body without beginning or end
Please bring:
- Yoga mat
- water
- small rolled up towel for neck support (optional)
- We will remove our shoes in class.
- Melt therapy ball kit (recommended)
The MELT soft foam roller and therapy balls are provided in class. I prefer you purchase your own ball kit and bring to class every week. I sell the mini ball kit in class at a discount for $25
Shop the Melt Method website using my links. As a MELT Instructor I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. In class we use the soft foam roller and therapy ball kit.
- Soft Foam Roller 5"x36"
- Therapy Ball Kit (8 balls + bunion band)
- MELT Beginner Bundle includes soft foam roller, therapy ball kit, 30-days of Melt on Demand and FREE shipping.
- Soft Half Roller 3" x 36"
- Travel Roller 5" x 18"
- MELT on Demand Streaming Service
- No part of Melt should hurt, If you feel pain ease back on the pressure.
- Indirect before direct treatment. If you are injured or feel discomfort treat an area opposite the injured area.
- Drink water! It's important to drink 8 ounces of water before and after you MELT.
- If you have chronic pain, it's best to Melt an hour before bedtime to support your body's natural healing mechanisms.
- While Melting If you find an area of discomfort, that's your cue to ease back on your pressure and take a focused breath.
- Pain is a sign you have gone too deep too fast, which decreases the desired effect.
- The ideal pressure will most likely be lighter than you think it should be!
This is a sample practice schedule using the MELT therapy balls. Listen to your body, be patient and consistent and you will begin to experience positive results.
For bunions, plantar fasciitis or foot issues add the bunion band to the foot treatments.
This is a sample practice schedule. Listen to your body, be patient and consistent and you will begin to experience positive results. If you don’t have a roller at home use a rolled up yoga mat or thick rolled up bath towel to practice the rebalance sequence.
Practice 2-3 times per week in addition to a weekly class:
- Mini Hand & Foot Treatments
- Rebalance Sequence
Tip: If you have a specific issue above the waist, focus on the hand treatment and upper body. If your issue is below the waist, focus on the lower body and foot treatment.
Indirect before Direct approach: Treat an area opposite where you have the pain or injury to promote healing and reduce inflammation in the body.
MELT is based on neuroscience and fascial research. We use MELT terms in class to help simplify the science the techniques are based on.
Assess: Begin and end every treatment with an assessment
Glide: Two directional movement using tolerable pressure
Shear: Ball or roller stays in place and the tissue is moved against the ball or roller. Always pause and take a breath.
Rinse: Moving the fluid in one direction
Friction: Light quick motion stimulates lymphatic system
4 R’S of MELT
Reconnect is taking a moment to assess your imbalances before you MELT. This allows you to identify which areas need your attention and to sense improvements and whole-body changes when you reassess.
Rebalance moves address the mechanisms that provide whole-body balance, gut support and spinal stability.
Rehydrate restores the mobility and stability of your joints and muscles and includes gliding, shearing and rinsing techniques.
Release the joint compression that contributes to chronic pain, inflammation and discomfort with these moves.
Autopilot: The systems in our body (autonomic nervous system + fascial system) that support, protect and stabilize us without our conscious control.
Barrier: Tender area on the body where you have stuck stress.
Body Sense: Sensing how you are feeling in your body without using your common senses (sight, touch, etc…)
Differentiation: Focus on what’s staying stable as you move an area in isolation.
Finding your core: Using your breath and sound to engage your core (ssss, shhh, haaa).
Focused Breath: Focus your attention on the body part you are compressing.
Masses & Spaces: Bones are masses and joints are spaces. We MELT on the masses to decompress the spaces and relieve joint pain and tension.
Tensional Energy: Fascia uses tension to stabilize us and keep your joints in alignment.
NeuroCore: Mechanisms that maintain our functional control and upright mobility.
Pelvic Tuck/Tilt: Differentiating the movement of the pelvis in isolation.
Stuck Stress: Areas of accumulated dehydrated connective tissue (fascia).
Tolerable pressure: Pain is your signal to ease up on your pressure. MELT shouldn’t hurt.
Hand Treatments
Foot Treatments
Body Treatments
If you want to practice at home, this simple program is the easiest way to get started. Focus on the hand and foot treatments and the rebalance sequence—they’re quick, effective, and perfect for maintaining the benefits of our weekly sessions.
These are my personal class recording videos. See below under Foundational Sequences for the official MELT Method videos on YouTube. If you don't have a soft roller here is the video for the Rebalance sequence using a rolled up towel
- Rebalance Sequence (using a rolled up towel instead of the roller)
- Soft Ball Hand Treatment
- Soft Ball Foot Treatment
- MELT Intro class
- Face Treatment (ball)
- Lower Body Treatment
- Upper Body Treatment
- Low Back & Core
Every other Wednesday I send out an email with a "mini" MELT treatment or tutorial on a move. Sign up for my emails here
Here is the link to the playlist with the most recent videos: 10-Minute MELT Treatments