How to Use Ravintsara Essential Oil

How to Use Ravintsara Essential Oil

Ravintsara essential oil is similar to eucalyptus but milder. The aroma of the Ravintsara essential oil can be described as a combination of camphor and eucalyptus – both uplifting and energizing.  The leaf of the tree has long been used in the central highlands of Madagascar as a folk remedy. Tea made from the leaves is often used as a home help in times of need.

It's in the ever so popular Breathe respiratory blend for its ability to promote feelings of clear breathing and open airways. Let's learn how to use Ravintsara essential oil, its benefits, safety tips, and diffuser and roller blend recipes.

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    Top uses for Ravintsara essential oil

    • Respiratory support
    • Skin and surface cleanser
    • Cleaning and refreshing benefits
    • Relaxing for yoga and meditation

    Learn more about essential oils

    Who can use Ravintsara?

    Ravintsara essential oil is labeled for aromatic and topical use only. It is not recommended for internal use and dilution with a carrier oil is recommended for topical use.

    A carrier oil is a vegetable based oil added to the essential oil. Carrier oils don't reduce the effectiveness of the essential oil but slow absorption into the skin to help reduce sensitivities.

    I use fractionated coconut oil because it is stainless, odorless and absorbs nicely into the skin. Fractionated coconut oil is the same coconut oil you probably have in your kitchen but some of the fats have been removed so that it stays in a liquid state. This works great for roller blends and skin applications. Some other options especially for the face are jojoba, argan and sweet almond oil.

    How is pure Ravintsara essential oil sourced?

    Ravintsara is steam distilled from the leaves and twigs of the Cinnamomum Camphora tree grown in Madagascar. Only the leaves and stems are used so no trees are cut down allowing them to grow healthily and harvest year-round.

    The climate and soil the plant is grown in impacts its chemistry. The same Cinnamomum Camphora tree grown in different regions gives us different essential oils. The tree grown in Madagascar gives us Ravintsara oil. The same tree grown in China gives us Ho Wood and Ho Leaf essential oils.

    What are essential Oils?

    Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds found in plants, seeds, bark, flowers and trees. Pure essential oils are 50-70 times more potent than herbs and when used properly are 100% natural and safe.

    Have you ever crushed a peppermint leaf between your fingers?  What you were doing was rupturing the essential oil sacs to smell the essential oil aroma.  The aromatic compounds inside those tiny little sacs help the plant protect itself and thrive.  We get the same benefit when we use essential oils. 

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    How to Use Ravintsara Essential Oil Aromatically

    When inhaled essential oils can positively effect our mood and emotions in less than 30 seconds. The scent molecules of the essential oil enter through the olfactory nerve which sends messages to the limbic system. The limbic system acts as the command center for our mood and emotions.

    • Inhale directly from cupped hands or from the bottle
    • Promotes feelings of clear breathing and open airways
    • Diffuse for a refreshing scent in a stuffy room
    • Make a room spray by adding 20 drops of essential oil to distilled water in a glass spray bottle.
    • Ravintsara is a restoring oil. Inhale to restore courage and fearlessness.
    • Diffuse with Peppermint and Tangerine
    • Add a few drops to a sinus steamer
    • Diffuse with Lavender and Vetiver at bedtime

    Ravintsara Diffuser Blend Recipes

    Add the essential oil drops to a room diffuser along with tap water to the fill line. Inhale and relax!

    Deep Breaths

    2 drops Ravintsara oil
    2 drops Eucalyptus oil
    2 drops Laurel Leaf oil


    3 drops Ravintsara oil
    2 drops Tangerine oil

    Sweet Mint

    2 drops Ravintsara oil
    2 drops Spearmint oil
    3 drops Lavender oil

    How to Use Ravintsara Essential Oil Topically

    Topical use is simply placing the oil on your skin where it is absorbed into the tissue and enters the bloodstream. Essential oils are 50-70 times more concentrated then herbs. We can dilute essential oils with a carrier oil (such as fractionated coconut oil) to slow that absorption and avoid sensitivity. To effect the whole body apply them topically to the bottom of the feet, spine or navel.

    To avoid photosensitivity with citrus essential oils do not apply on skin that will exposed to the sun within 12 hours.

    • Add 2 - 3 drops in a bath along with Epsom salt. Add to the epsom salt first then run under the water!
    • Add a drop to facial cleanser for increased cleansing
    • For respiratory support add a drop to Fractionated coconut oil and rub on chest
    • lymph support during exercise - Rub 1-2 drops with FCO (carrier oil) on the bottom of feet and sides of neck before cardio exercise
    • Make a massage blend with Copaiba and Wintergreen

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    Ravintsara Roller Blend Recipes

    In a roller bottle add the essential oil drops and fill the rest with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil. Roll on area of concern.

    Easy Air

    8 drops Ravintsara oil
    5 drops Peppermint oil
    3 drops Cardamom oil

    Sore Muscles

    10 drops Ravintsara oil
    10 drops Lemongrass oil
    10 drops Marjoram oil

    Immune Boost

    5 drops Ravintsara oil
    3 drops Arborvitae oil
    8 drops On Guard Protective blend

    Ravintsara DIY Recipes

    Cleansing Spray

    1 1/4 cup white vinegar
    1 3/4 cup distilled water
    10 drops Ravintsara oil
    10 drops Tangerine oil

    Add to a 16 oz. spray bottle. Shake and spray on surfaces and wipe clean.

    Hand Cleansing Mist

    5 drops Ravintsara oil

    Add oil to a 30mL spray bottle and fill with distilled water

    Spring Rain Room Spray

    10 drops Ravintsara oil
    5 drops Wild Orange oil
    5 drops Eucalyptus oil

    Add to a 4 oz. spray bottle and fill with distilled water. Shake and spray

    What makes doTERRA Ravintsara different?

    Purity impacts potency and potency relates to how effective an oil is. Where the plant grows, how its harvested and how it is distilled impacts its chemistry and consistency. When you use an oil, you want it to work the same way every single time. The better the quality the better the oils work with and for your body.

    Transparency and testing is how you can verify that the essential oils you are using are pure. Every batch of doTERRA essential oils are tested 60 times. On the bottom of every bottle is a batch number that can be entered on the Source to You website. Enter the number you see on the bottom of the bottle and view the test results for that batch.

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    Where to buy essential oils

    I recommend and have used doTERRA essential oils since 2015 because of their 100% pure tested standard. Use my link below to get 25% off regular prices. As a doTERRA Wellness Advocate I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase using my link.